Thursday 25 October 2012


Starting a relationship is ine of the most difficult things in life. Especialy if the person in question is new to you, or the last time you were in a relationship feels like a century ago.

Sunday 2 September 2012

Today is a new day.
Mans desire to discover is great and the world is a place to make great discoveries.
Imagine being the next Vasco Dagama. Or being the nex Thomas Edison
I plan on being the nex big thing in the world. I know I can do that.
There is the can do attitude

Friday 31 August 2012

There are things in life that both shock and suprise me. At first, there is this guy who literally kissed my ass. I mean, seriously he kissed it. It was amazing. It felt so good. Secret pleasures of a young girl.

Then I met this guy, he was amazing, sweet and a darling in all ways. An amazing kisser, cute and heart broken, I know I cannot fix all broken hearts but it is hard to imagine hurting hi. That was the first time a guy cried infront of me. I almost cried.

I met him when I was out shopping, then we talked. He was great to talk to.

Tuesday 28 August 2012

The life of the filthy rich is a wonderful life. We can all get there, atleast that is what they say.
Is it true?
Is that begger on the street corner really begging because he or she chose that kind of life?
Did you choose your kind of life?
Life is a product of the choices we make. What you choose to do next, affects your tomorrow.
Where do you want to be tomorrow? With the glamorous and filthy rich? Well, thats up to you?

Being Kenyan it is easy to say, navumilia kuwa mkenya but Kenya is a very beautiful country. The pride of Africa